Bush is a dolt.
I find it kind of amusing how a simple little game like this one seems to spark a rather involved political debate. However, while we are on the subject, let me get a few things off my chest.
The world has seen it's share of evil geniuses in the past...Hitler, Nepolean, the Kahn's, and of course Sadam himself to name a few. G.W. Bush definatly does not fall into this category. He is simply too stupid. He is what I would call an "Evil Idiot". Bush entered office looking for a fight. This was evedent by the numerous international incidents that sprung up almost immediatly after he delcared himself president. The expulsion of the Russian diplomats, the Chinese/US spyplane incident, numerous trade disputes etc. In a few short months, Bush undid everything the Clinton administration worked so hard to achieve. I don't blame him for Sept 11th, allthough my gut tells me otherwise. I DO blame him for Iraq...Sadam is a bad guy, but US's resons for going to war, and the way they conducted themselves during and after the war, speak volumes about the competency and the true nature of the Bush Administration. Still think he is a great guy? He is crippling the US economy. He is willfully planing on taking the US people into a $6,000,000,000,000 debt by 2010.
And he doens't even care.
Hell, he wasn't even elected.
SteelSeraphim seems to forget that after the votes were finally sorted out, Gore was actually the winner. However, this was well after Bush had stirred his country into a state of fear.
The "Greatest Country on Earth", and it's scared to death. Of what? Why terrorists of course. People who's affairs have been meddle with by the US for so long that they can't stand it any more.
Who's a potential terrorist? Why everyone, of course. Bush's brilliant solution?
Kill them all!
(by the way, decent graphics for the game, gameplay left a little to be desired)